
< /ˈmeɪˌbɛl/, Mother Maybelle Carter, 1909–78, U.S. country-and-western singer and guitarist.

  • Nick, pen name of authors who wrote detective-story series in which Nick Carter, created by John R. Coryell, is the main character.
  • a male given name.
  • noun

    1. James ScottJimmy, born 1952, U.S. tennis player.


    1. James FrancisJimmy, 1893–1980, U.S. comedian.

    noun, verb plural -mies or -mies, -mying or -mied

    1. the US word for jemmy


    1. Central Scot slang an informal term of address to a male stranger


    1. any of various colours, such as those of wood or earth, produced by low intensity light in the wavelength range 620–585 nanometres
    2. a dye or pigment producing these colours
    3. brown cloth or clothingdressed in brown
    4. any of numerous mostly reddish-brown butterflies of the genera Maniola, Lasiommata, etc, such as M. jurtina (meadow brown): family Satyridae


    1. of the colour brown
    2. (of bread) made from a flour that has not been bleached or bolted, such as wheatmeal or wholemeal flour
    3. deeply tanned or sunburnt


    1. to make (esp food as a result of cooking) brown or (esp of food) to become brown


    1. Sir Arthur Whitten (ˈwɪt ə n). 1886–1948, British aviator who with J.W. Alcock made the first flight across the Atlantic (1919)
    2. Ford Madox . 1821–93, British painter, associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. His paintings include The Last of England (1865) and Work (1865)
    3. George (Alfred), Lord George-Brown. 1914–85, British Labour politician; vice-chairman and deputy leader of the Labour party (1960–70); foreign secretary 1966–68
    4. George Mackay . 1921–96, Scottish poet, novelist, and short-story writer. His works, which include the novels Greenvoe (1972) and Magnus (1973), reflect the history and culture of Orkney
    5. (James) Gordon . born 1951, British Labour politician; Chancellor of the Exchequer (1997–2007); prime minister (2007–10)
    6. Herbert Charles . 1912–2004, US chemist, who worked on the compounds of boron. Nobel prize for chemistry 1979
    7. James . 1933–2006, US soul singer and songwriter, noted for his dynamic stage performances and for his commitment to Black rights
    8. John . 1800–59, US abolitionist leader, hanged after leading an unsuccessful rebellion of slaves at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia
    9. Lancelot, called Capability Brown . 1716–83, British landscape gardener
    10. Michael (Stuart). born 1941, US physician: shared the Nobel prize for physiology or medicine (1985) for work on cholesterol
    11. Robert . 1773–1858, Scottish botanist who was the first to observe the Brownian movement in fluids


    1. Angela. 1940–92, British novelist and writer; her novels include The Magic Toyshop (1967) and Nights at the Circus (1984)
    2. Elliot (Cook). 1908–2012, US composer. His works include the Piano Sonata (1945–46), four string quartets, and other orchestral pieces: Pulitzer Prize 1960, 1973
    3. Howard. 1873–1939, English Egyptologist: excavated the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen
    4. James Earl, known as Jimmy. born 1924, US Democratic statesman; 39th president of the US (1977–81); Nobel peace prize 2002


    1. Jimmy. born 1952, US tennis player: Wimbledon champion 1974 and 1982; US champion 1974, 1976, 1978, 1982, and 1983


    1. Jimmy, known as Schnozzle . 1893–1980, US comedian


    1. Alice (Malsenior). born 1944, US writer: her works include In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women (1973) and the novels Meridian (1976), The Color Purple (1982), and Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992)
    2. Sir John. born 1952, New Zealand middle-distance runner, the first athlete to run one hundred sub-four-minute miles


    1. the usual spelling for the royal house of Stuart before the reign of Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart)
    2. Sir Jackie, full name John Young Stewart. born 1939, Scottish motor-racing driver: world champion 1969, 1971, and 1973
    3. James (Maitland). 1908–97, US film actor, known for his distinctive drawl; appeared in many films including Destry Rides Again (1939), It’s a Wonderful Life (1946), The Glenn Miller Story (1953), and Vertigo (1958)
    4. Rod. born 1945, British rock singer: vocalist with the Faces (1969–75). His albums include Gasoline Alley (1970), Every Picture Tells a Story (1971), and Atlantic Crossing (1975)


    1. a person who walks
    2. Also called: baby walker a tubular frame on wheels or castors to support a baby learning to walk
    3. a similar support for walking, often with rubber feet, for use by disabled or infirm people
    4. a woman’s escort at a social eventlet me introduce my walker for tonight

    “burglar’s crowbar,” 1848, variant of jemmy, name for a type of crowbar much used by burglars, special use of Jemmy, familiar form of proper name James (also see jack).


    1893, from jimmy (n.). Related: Jimmied; jimmying.


    Old English brun “dark, dusky,” developing a definite color sense only 13c., from Proto-Germanic *brunaz (cf. Old Norse brunn, Danish brun, Old Frisian and Old High German brun, Dutch bruin, German braun), from PIE *bher- (3) “shining, brown” (cf. Lithuanian beras “brown”), related to *bheros “dark animal” (cf. beaver, bear (n.), and Greek phrynos “toad,” literally “the brown animal”).

    The Old English word also had a sense of “brightness, shining,” preserved only in burnish. The Germanic word was adopted into Romanic (e.g. Middle Latin brunus, Italian and Spanish bruno, French brun). Brown Bess, slang name for old British Army flintlock musket, first recorded 1785.


    “cart-driver,” late 12c., from Anglo-French careter, and in part an agent noun from cart (v.).


    c.1300, “to become brown,” from brown (adj.). From 1560s as “to make brown.” Related: Browned; browning.


    “brown color,” c.1600, from brown (adj.).


    1. A frame device used to support someone, such as an infant learning to walk or a convalescent learning to walk again.
    2. A shoe specially designed for walking comfortably. Often used in the plural.

    1. American geneticist. He shared a 1985 Nobel Prize for discoveries related to cholesterol metabolism.

    In addition to the idioms beginning with brown

    • brown bagger
    • browned off
    • brownie points
    • brown nose
    • brown study, in a

    also see:

    • do up (brown)
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