john thomas

< /məˈtun/, 1884–1968, U.S. socialist leader and political writer.

  • Seth,1785–1859, U.S. clock designer and manufacturer.
  • Theodore,1835–1905, U.S. orchestra conductor, born in Germany.
  • William Isaac,1863–1947, U.S. sociologist.
  • doubting Thomas.
  • a male given name: from an Aramaic word meaning “twin.”
  • noun

    1. a name for penis


    1. Saint. Also called: doubting Thomas. one of the twelve apostles, who refused to believe in Christ’s resurrection until he had seen his wounds (John 20:24–29). Feast day: July 3 or Dec 2l or Oct 6
    2. (French tɔmɑ) Ambroise (ɑ̃brwaz). 1811–96, French composer of light operas, including Mignon (1866)
    3. Dylan (Marlais) (ˈdɪlən). 1914–53, Welsh poet and essayist. His works include the prose Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog (1940), the verse collection Deaths and Entrances (1946), and his play for voices Under Milk Wood (1954)
    4. (Philip) Edward, pen name Edward Eastaway. 1878–1917, British poet and critic: killed in World War I
    5. R (onald) S (tuart). 1913–2000, Welsh poet and clergyman. His collections include Song at the Year’s Turning (1955), Not that He Brought Flowers (1968), and Laboratories of the Spirit (1975)

    from Greek Thomas, of Aramaic origin and said to mean “a twin” (John’s gospel refers to Thomas as ho legomenos didymos “called the twin;” cf. Syriac toma “twin,” Arabic tau’am “twin”). Before the Conquest, found only as the name of a priest. After 1066, one of the most common given names in English. Doubting Thomas is from John xx:25; A Thomist (1530s, from Medieval Latin Thomista, mid-14c.) is a follower of 13c. scholastic theologian St. Thomas Aquinas. (Also see Tom, Tommy).

    1. American physician. He shared a 1990 Nobel Prize for developing techniques of transplanting bone marrow.

    see doubting thomas.

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