john winthrop

< /ˈfɪtsˈdʒɒn/, 1638–1707, American soldier and statesman: colonial governor of Connecticut 1698–1707 (son of the younger John Winthrop).

  • John,1714–79, American astronomer, mathematician, and physicist.
  • Robert Charles,1809–94, U.S. politician: Speaker of the House 1847–49.
  • a town in E Massachusetts, near Boston.
  • a male given name.
  • noun

    1. John. 1588–1649, English lawyer and colonist, first governor of the Massachusetts Bay colony: the leading figure among the Puritan settlers of New England
    2. his son, John. 1606–76, English lawyer and colonist; a founder of Agawan (now Ipswich), Massachusetts; governor of Connecticut
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