
noun, plural ju·ries.

  1. a group of persons sworn to render a verdict or true answer on a question or questions officially submitted to them.
  2. such a group selected according to law and sworn to inquire into or determine the facts concerning a cause or an accusation submitted to them and to render a verdict to a court.Compare grand jury, petty jury.
  3. a group of persons chosen to adjudge prizes, awards, etc., as in a competition.

verb (used with object), ju·ried, ju·ry·ing.

  1. to judge or evaluate by means of a jury: All entries will be juried by a panel of professionals.

  1. the jury is (still) out, a decision, determination, or opinion has yet to be rendered: The jury is still out on the president’s performance.

adjective Nautical.

  1. makeshift or temporary, as for an emergency: a jury mast.

noun plural -ries

  1. a group of, usually twelve, people sworn to deliver a true verdict according to the evidence upon a case presented in a court of lawSee also grand jury, petit jury
  2. a body of persons appointed to judge a competition and award prizes
  3. the jury is still out informal it has not yet been decided or agreed on


  1. mainly nautical (in combination) makeshiftjury-rigged

early 14c. (attested from late 12c. in Anglo-Latin), from Anglo-French juree (late 13c.), from Medieval Latin iurata “an oath, an inquest,” fem. past participle of Latin iurare “to swear,” from ius (genitive iuris) “law” (see jurist). Meaning “body of persons chosen to award prizes at an exhibition” is from 1851. Grand jury attested from early 15c. in Anglo-French (le graund Jurre).


“temporary,” 1610s, in jury-mast, a nautical term for a temporary mast put in place of one broken or blown away, of uncertain origin. The word perhaps is ultimately from Old French ajurie “help, relief,” from Latin adjutare (see aid (n.)).

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