

  1. Informal. a child or young person.
  2. (used as a familiar form of address.)
  3. a young goat.
  4. leather made from the skin of a kid or goat, used in making shoes and gloves.
  5. a glove made from this leather.

verb (used with or without object), kid·ded, kid·ding.

  1. (of a goat) to give birth to (young).


  1. made of kidskin.
  2. Informal. younger: his kid sister.


  1. the young of a goat or of a related animal, such as an antelope
  2. soft smooth leather made from the hide of a kid
  3. informal
    1. a young person; child
    2. (modifier)younger or being still a childkid brother; kid sister
  4. our kid Liverpool dialect my younger brother or sister

verb kids, kidding or kidded

  1. (of a goat) to give birth to (young)

verb kids, kidding or kidded (sometimes foll by on or along) informal

  1. (tr) to tease or deceive for fun
  2. (intr) to behave or speak deceptively for fun
  3. (tr) to delude or fool (oneself) into believing (something)don’t kid yourself that no-one else knows


  1. a small wooden tub


  1. a variant spelling of (Thomas) Kyd

c.1200, “the young of a goat,” from a Scandinavian source (cf. Old Norse kið “young goat”), from Proto-Germanic *kiðjom (cf. Old High German kizzi, German kitze, Danish and Swedish kid). Extended meaning of “child” first recorded as slang 1590s, established in informal usage by 1840s. Applied to skillful young thieves and pugilists since at least 1812. Kid stuff “something easy” is from 1913 (The phrase was in use about that time in reference to vaudeville acts or advertisements featuring children, and to children-oriented features in newspapers). Kid glove “a glove made of kidskin leather” is from 1680s; sense of “characterized by wearing kid gloves,” therefore “dainty, delicate” is from 1856.


“tease playfully,” 1839, earlier, in thieves’ cant, “to coax, wheedle, hoax” (1811), probably from kid (n.), via notion of “treat as a child, make a kid of.” Related: Kidded; kidding.

In addition to the idioms beginning with kid

  • kid around
  • kid gloves
  • kid stuff
  • kid the pants off

also see:

  • handle with (kid) gloves

Also seekidding.

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