

  1. a set or collection of tools, supplies, instructional matter, etc., for a specific purpose: a first-aid kit; a sales kit.
  2. the case for containing these.
  3. such a case and its contents.
  4. a set of materials or parts from which something can be assembled: a model car made from a kit.
  5. Informal. a set, lot, or collection of things or persons.
  6. a wooden tub, pail, etc., usually circular.
  7. Chiefly British. a costume or outfit of clothing, especially for a specific purpose: ski kit; dancing kit; battle kit.

verb (used with object), kit·ted, kit·ting.

  1. to package or make available in a kit: a new model airplane that has just been kitted for the hobbyist.
  2. Chiefly British. to outfit or equip (often followed by out or up).

  1. kit and caboodle/boodle, Informal. the whole lot of persons or things; all of something (often preceded by whole): We took along the whole kit and caboodle in the station wagon.


  1. a set of tools, supplies, construction materials, etc, for use together or for a purposea first-aid kit; a model aircraft kit
  2. the case or container for such a set
    1. a set of pieces of equipment ready to be assembled
    2. (as modifier)kit furniture
    1. clothing and other personal effects, esp those of a traveller or soldiersafari kit; battle kit
    2. informalclothing in general (esp in the phrase get one’s kit off)
  3. NZ a flax basket
  4. the whole kit or the whole kit and caboodle informal everything or everybody


  1. a kind of small violin, now obsolete, used esp by dancing masters in the 17th–18th centuries


  1. an informal or diminutive name for kitten
  2. a cub of various small mammals, such as the ferret or fox


  1. NZ a plaited flax basket

abbreviation for

  1. keep in touch

late 13c., “round wooden tub,” perhaps from Middle Dutch kitte “jug, tankard, wooden container,” of unknown origin. Meaning “collection of personal effects,” especially for traveling (originally in reference to a soldier), is from 1785; that of “outfit of tools for a workman” is from 1851. Of drum sets, by 1929. Meaning “article to be assembled by the buyer” is from 1930s.


“small fiddle used by dancing teachers,” 1510s, probably a shortening of Old English cythere, from Latin cithara, from Greek kithara (see guitar).

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