
noun Slang.

  1. click2.

noun Slang.

  1. a kilometer.


  1. a short light often metallic sound
    1. the locking member of a ratchet mechanism, such as a pawl or detent
    2. the movement of such a mechanism between successive locking positions
  2. phonetics any of various stop consonants, found in Khoisan and as borrowings in southern Bantu languages, that are produced by the suction of air into the mouth
  3. US and Canadian slang a kilometre
  4. computing an act of pressing and releasing a button on a mouse


  1. to make or cause to make a clicking soundto click one’s heels
  2. (usually foll by on) computing to press and release (a button on a mouse) or to select (a particular function) by pressing and releasing a button on a mouse
  3. (intr) slang to be a great successthat idea really clicked
  4. (intr) informal to become suddenly clearit finally clicked when her name was mentioned
  5. (intr) slang to go or fit together with easethey clicked from their first meeting

1580s, of imitative origin (cf. Dutch and East Frisian klikken “to click; Old French clique “tick of a clock”). The figurative sense, in reference usually to persons, “hit it off at once, become friendly upon meeting” is from 1915, perhaps based on the sound of a key in a lock. Related: Clicked; clicking.


1610s, from click (v.). Click-beetle attested from 1830.


  1. A slight sharp sound, such as that heard from the heart during systole.
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