lake huron

lake huron


  1. a member of an Indian tribe, the northwestern member of the Iroquoian family, living west of Lake Huron.
  2. an Iroquoian language, the language of the Huron Indians.
  3. Lake, a lake between the U.S. and Canada: second largest of the Great Lakes. 23,010 sq. mi. (59,595 sq. km).
  4. a city in E South Dakota.


  1. Lake Huron a lake in North America, between the US and Canada: the second largest of the Great Lakes. Area: 59 570 sq km (23 000 sq miles)
  2. plural -rons or -ron a member of a North American Indian people formerly living in the region east of Lake Huron
  3. the Iroquoian language of this people

the North American lake is named for the Indian people, whose name is from obsolete French huron “bristle-haired” (the French word frequently was used in reference to head-dresses, and that might be its original sense here), from Old French huré “bristly, unkempt, shaggy,” of uncertain origin, but French sources indicate it probably is from Germanic. Lake located between Ontario, Canada, and Michigan.

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