

  1. of, relating to, or located in the larynx.
  2. Phonetics. articulated in the larynx.


  1. Phonetics. a laryngeal sound.
  2. Historical Linguistics. one of several hypothetical phonemes assumed to have existed in Proto-Indo-European and to have been lost in most later Indo-European languages after having modified some contiguous consonants and vowels.


  1. of or relating to the larynx
  2. phonetics articulated at the larynx; glottal

adj.1795, from medical Latin laryngeus, from Greek larynx (see larynx) + English -al (1). adj.

  1. Of, relating to, affecting, or near the larynx.

Plural larynges (lə-rĭn′jēz) larynxes

  1. The upper part of the trachea in most vertebrate animals, containing the vocal cords. The walls of the larynx are made of cartilage. Sound is produced by air passing through the larynx on the way to the lungs, causing the walls of the larynx to vibrate. The pitch of the sound that is produced can be altered by the pull of muscles, which changes the tension of the vocal cords. Also called voice box
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