

  1. having a lattice or latticework.
  2. Biology. clathrate.


  1. a structure of crossed wooden or metal strips usually arranged to form a diagonal pattern of open spaces between the strips.
  2. a window, gate, or the like consisting of such a structure.
  3. Physics. the structure of fissionable and nonfissionable materials geometrically arranged within a nuclear reactor.
  4. Also called Bravais lattice, crystal lattice, space lattice. Crystallography. an arrangement in space of isolated points (lattice points) in a regular pattern, showing the positions of atoms, molecules, or ions in the structure of a crystal.
  5. Mathematics. a partially ordered set in which every subset containing exactly two elements has a greatest lower bound or intersection and a least upper bound or union.

verb (used with object), lat·ticed, lat·tic·ing.

  1. to furnish with a lattice or latticework.
  2. to form into or arrange like latticework.


  1. Also called: latticework an open framework of strips of wood, metal, etc, arranged to form an ornamental pattern
    1. a gate, screen, etc, formed of such a framework
    2. (as modifier)a lattice window
  2. something, such as a decorative or heraldic device, resembling such a framework
  3. an array of objects or points in a periodic pattern in two or three dimensions, esp an array of atoms, ions, etc, in a crystal or an array of points indicating their positions in spaceSee also Bravais lattice


  1. to make, adorn, or supply with a lattice or lattices

n.c.1300, from Old French latiz “lattice,” from late “lath, board, plank, batten” (Modern French latte), from Frankish or some other Germanic source, cf. Old High German latta “lath;” see lath).

  1. A set of points that, when joined together, form the geometric shape of a mineral crystal. The lattice of the mineral halite, for example, is in the shape of a cube. See more at crystal.
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