

  1. English name of Livorno.
  2. (lowercase) a fine, smooth, plaited straw.
  3. (lowercase) a hat made of such straw, often having a broad, soft brim.
  4. one of a Mediterranean breed of chickens that are prolific layers of white-shelled eggs.


  1. a type of Italian wheat straw that is woven into hats
  2. any hat made from this straw when plaited


  1. (ˈlɛɡˌhɔːn) the English name for Livorno
  2. (lɛˈɡɔːn) a breed of domestic fowl laying white eggs

breed of fowl, 1869, from Leghorn, city in Italy (modern Livorno, 16c.-17c. Legorno), from Latin Liburnus, from the native people name Liburni, which is of unknown signification.

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