lev landau


  1. Lev Da·vi·do·vich [lyef duh-vye-duh-vyich] /ˈlyɛf dʌˈvyɛ də vyɪtʃ/, 1908–68, Russian scientist: Nobel Prize in Physics 1962.


  1. a four-wheeled carriage, usually horse-drawn, with two folding hoods that meet over the middle of the passenger compartment


  1. Lev Davidovich (ljɛf daˈvidəvitʃ). 1908–68, Soviet physicist, noted for his researches on quantum theory and his work on the theories of solids and liquids: Nobel prize for physics 1962

n.type of four-wheeled carriage, 1743, from Landau, town in Bavaria where they first were made. The first element is the common Germanic element found in English land (n.); the identity of the second is disputed. But Klein says the vehicle name is “in reality” Spanish lando “originally a light four-wheeled carriage drawn by mules,” from Arabic al-andul.

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