light meat

light meat


  1. any meat that is light-colored before cooking, as veal or chicken (distinguished from red meat).
  2. meat that is light-colored after cooking, as veal or breast of chicken or of turkey (distinguished from dark meat).
  3. Slang: Vulgar. a white person considered as a sexual partner.
  4. Southern U.S. salt pork, fatback, or other pork without any lean.
  5. Archaic. food made from milk.


  1. any meat that is light in colour, such as veal or the breast of turkeyCompare red meat

n.meat of poultry, pigs, etc., as opposed to red meat, is recorded from 1752; earlier it meant “foods prepared from milk” (early 15c.). Black slang sense of “white women as sex partners” is from 1920s.

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