like crazy

like crazy

adjective, cra·zi·er, cra·zi·est.

  1. mentally deranged; demented; insane.
  2. senseless; impractical; totally unsound: a crazy scheme.
  3. Informal. intensely enthusiastic; passionately excited: crazy about baseball.
  4. Informal. very enamored or infatuated (usually followed by about): He was crazy about her.
  5. Informal. intensely anxious or eager; impatient: I’m crazy to try those new skis.
  6. Informal. unusual; bizarre; singular: She always wears a crazy hat.
  7. Slang. wonderful; excellent; perfect: That’s crazy, man, crazy.
  8. likely to break or fall to pieces.
  9. weak, infirm, or sickly.
  10. having an unusual, unexpected, or random quality, behavior, result, pattern, etc.: a crazy reel that spins in either direction.

noun, plural cra·zies.

  1. Slang. an unpredictable, nonconforming person; oddball: a house full of crazies who wear weird clothes and come in at all hours.
  2. the crazies, Slang. a sense of extreme unease, nervousness, or panic; extreme jitters: The crew was starting to get the crazies from being cooped up belowdecks for so long.


  1. like crazy,
    1. Slang.with great enthusiasm or energy; to an extreme: We shopped like crazy and bought all our Christmas gifts in one afternoon.
    2. with great speed or recklessness: He drives like crazy once he’s out on the highway.

adjective -zier or -ziest

  1. informal insane
  2. fantastic; strange; ridiculousa crazy dream
  3. (postpositive; foll by about or over) informal extremely fond (of)
  4. slang very good or excellent

noun plural crazies

  1. informal a crazy person

adj.1570s, “diseased, sickly,” from craze + -y (2). Meaning “full of cracks or flaws” is from 1580s; that of “of unsound mind, or behaving as so” is from 1610s. Jazz slang sense “cool, exciting” attested by 1927. To drive (someone) crazy is attested by 1873. Phrase crazy like a fox recorded from 1935. Crazy Horse, Teton Lakhota (Siouan) war leader (d.1877) translates thašuka witko, literally “his horse is crazy.” Also, like mad; like nobody’s business. With exceeding enthusiasm or speed, without restraint. For example, We shopped like crazy and bought all our furniture in one day, or Once he’s out of the town limits he drives like mad, or The choir sang the Hallelujah Chorus like nobody’s business. The first terms employ crazy and mad in the sense of “lunatic” as a hyperbole for lack of restraint; the third implies that no business could be conducted in such an extraordinary fashion. The first and third date from the 1920s, the second from the mid-1600s. In addition to the idioms beginning with crazy

  • crazy about, be
  • crazy like a fox
  • also see:

  • drive someone crazy
  • like crazy
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