

liniment [lin-uh-muh nt] ExamplesWord Origin See more synonyms for liniment on noun

  1. a liquid or semiliquid preparation for rubbing on or applying to the skin, as for sprains or bruises, usually soothing or counterirritating.

Origin of liniment 1375–1425; late Middle English Late Latin linīmentum ointment, equivalent to linī(re) (for Latin linere to smear) + -mentum -ment Related Words for liniment balm, salve, unguent, emollient, dressing, medicine, lotion, cream, embrocation, lenitive Examples from the Web for liniment Historical Examples of liniment

  • Dad took it in silence, and sat rubbing it into his beard like a liniment.

    The Flockmaster of Poison Creek

    George W. Ogden

  • “Where’s that bottle of liniment I sent here,” demanded the doctor.

    Watch Yourself Go By

    Al. G. Field

  • A bottle of liniment was ordered, and Alfred rubbed often with the preparation.

    Watch Yourself Go By

    Al. G. Field

  • It was a florid testimonial to the virtues of their liniment.

    Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1902 to 1903

    Lucy Maud Montgomery

  • Put the liniment on her leg as I told you, and I’ll call in the morning.

    “Some Say”

    Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards

  • British Dictionary definitions for liniment liniment noun

    1. a medicated liquid, usually containing alcohol, camphor, and an oil, applied to the skin to relieve pain, stiffness, etc

    Word Origin for liniment C15: from Late Latin linīmentum, from linere to smear, anoint Word Origin and History for liniment n.

    early 15c., from Late Latin linimentum “a soft ointment,” from Latin linire, collateral form of earlier linere “to daub, smear,” from PIE root *(s)lei- “slime, slimy, sticky” (see slime (n.)).

    liniment in Medicine liniment [lĭn′ə-mənt] n.

    1. A liquid preparation rubbed into the skin or gums as a counterirritant, rubefacient, anodyne, or cleansing agent.
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