linty [lin-tee] ExamplesWord Origin See more synonyms for linty on adjective, lint·i·er, lint·i·est.
Origin of linty First recorded in 1600–10; lint + -y1 Related Words for linty creamy, gossamer, feathery, silky, hairy, furry, downy, fleecy, flocculent, pile, featherlike, flossy, linty, velutinous, frizzy, woolly, pilate Examples from the Web for linty Historical Examples of linty
But to gae back to the Linty and the Hippopotamus, resumed Kilmarkeckle.
John Galt
Above his uniform of linty gray, Paul’s face was pale and without expression.
Sinclair Lewis
No need to go with muddy boots, though, or linty, or have your bow upside down.
Abby Morton Diaz
Avoid the use of linty old cloths, because the thread and lint clog the traps and drains.
Foods and Household Management
Helen Kinne