

lionheart [lahy-uh n-hahrt] ExamplesWord Origin noun

  1. a person of exceptional courage and bravery.

Origin of lionheart First recorded in 1655–65; lion + heart Examples from the Web for lionheart Contemporary Examples of lionheart

  • Mark Antony supposedly gave the island to Cleopatra as a gift, and King Richard the Lionheart wed Queen Joanna there in 1191.

    What Bailout? Six Reasons to Love Cyprus

    Kevin Fallon

    March 18, 2013

  • Scientists are examining the embalmed heart of Richard the Lionheart, who died in 1199.

    Scientists Exhume the Heart of Richard the Lionheart

    Dan Jones

    March 3, 2013

  • William Rufus, son of William the Conqueror was gay, as was James I, his son Charles I and Richard I (Richard the Lionheart).

    Oral History: The Sex Lives of the Kings and Queens of England

    Tom Sykes

    July 10, 2012

  • Historical Examples of lionheart

  • But it was well worth any trouble and treasure, and the Lionheart’s “saucy castle” became the key of Normandy.

    The Story of Rouen

    Sir Theodore Andrea Cook

  • There are scimiter and falchion from the days of Lionheart, inwrought with golden arabesque by fezzed wizards in Teheran.

    The Army Mule and Other War Sketches

    Henry A. Castle

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