liquid fire

liquid fire

liquid fire ExamplesWord Origin noun

  1. flaming petroleum or the like, as employed against an enemy in warfare.

Origin of liquid fire First recorded in 1860–65 Examples from the Web for liquid fire Historical Examples of liquid fire

  • A liquid-fire bomb or incendiary shell, and an incendiary rifle-bullet attracted attention early in 1859.

    Mr. Punch’s History of Modern England Vol. II (of IV),–1857-1874

    Charles L. Graves

  • I’d give each man two pistols and a lot of training and omit a lot of this liquid-fire business and grenades.

    The Brighton Boys in the Trenches

    James R. Driscoll

  • British Dictionary definitions for liquid fire liquid fire noun

    1. inflammable petroleum or other liquid used as a weapon of war in flamethrowers, etc
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