

lithiasis [li-thahy-uh-sis] ExamplesWord Origin noun Pathology.

  1. the formation or presence of stony concretions, as calculi, in the body.

Origin of lithiasis 1650–60; New Latin Greek lithíāsis; see lith-, -iasis Examples from the Web for lithiasis Historical Examples of lithiasis

  • Similarly, in Oxaluria, oxalic acid is found there; in Lithiasis, lithic acid in excess.

    The Action of Medicines in the System

    Frederick William Headland

  • Diabetes and Lithiasis are more under the control of Restoratives than the others.

    The Action of Medicines in the System

    Frederick William Headland

  • A simple excess of uric acid in this secretion constitutes Lithiasis.

    The Action of Medicines in the System

    Frederick William Headland

  • In Gout and Lithiasis there is an excess in the system of nitrogenous matter, and thus a tendency to an extra formation of urea.

    The Action of Medicines in the System

    Frederick William Headland

  • British Dictionary definitions for lithiasis lithiasis noun

    1. pathol the formation of a calculus

    Word Origin for lithiasis C17: New Latin; see litho-, -iasis lithiasis in Medicine lithiasis [lĭ-thī′ə-sĭs] n. pl. li•thi•a•ses (-sēz′)

    1. The formation of calculi of any kind, especially biliary or urinary calculi.
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