mae west


  1. an inflatable yellow or orange life jacket for emergency use, especially by sailors or by airplane pilots in flights over water.


  1. Benjamin,1738–1820, U.S. painter, in England after 1763.
  2. Jerome AlanJerry, born 1938, U.S. basketball player, coach, and executive.
  3. Mae,1892?–1980, U.S. actress.
  4. NathanaelNathan Wallenstein Weinstein, 1902?–40, U.S. novelist.
  5. Paul,born 1930, U.S. poet, essayist, and novelist, born in England.
  6. Dame RebeccaCicily Isabel Fairfield Andrews, 1892–1983, English novelist, journalist, and critic, born in Ireland.


  1. slang an inflatable life jacket, esp as issued to the US armed forces for emergency use


  1. one of the four cardinal points of the compass, 270° clockwise from north and 180° from east
  2. the direction along a parallel towards the sunset, at 270° clockwise from north
  3. the west (often capital) any area lying in or towards the westRelated adjectives: Hesperian, Occidental
  4. cards (usually capital) the player or position at the table corresponding to west on the compass


  1. situated in, moving towards, or facing the west
  2. (esp of the wind) from the west


  1. in, to, or towards the west
  2. archaic (of the wind) from the west
  3. go west informal
    1. to be lost or destroyed irrevocably
    2. to die

noun the West

  1. the western part of the world contrasted historically and culturally with the East or Orient; the Occident
  2. (formerly) the non-Communist countries of Europe and America contrasted with the Communist states of the EastCompare East (def. 2)
  3. (in the US)
    1. that part of the US lying approximately to the west of the Mississippi
    2. (during the Colonial period) the region outside the 13 colonies, lying mainly to the west of the Alleghenies
  4. (in the ancient and medieval world) the Western Roman Empire and, later, the Holy Roman Empire


    1. of or denoting the western part of a specified country, area, etc
    2. (as part of a name)the West Coast


  1. Benjamin. 1738–1820, US painter, in England from 1763
  2. Kanye, born 1977, US rap singer and producer; his albums include The College Dropout (2004) and Graduation (2007)
  3. Mae. 1892–1980, US film actress
  4. Nathanael, real name Nathan Weinstein. 1903–40, US novelist: author of Miss Lonely-Hearts (1933) and The Day of the Locust (1939)
  5. Dame Rebecca, real name Cicily Isabel Andrews (née Fairfield). 1892–1983, British journalist, novelist, and critic

type of inflatable life jacket, 1940, military slang, in reference to the screen name of the buxom U.S. film star (1892-1980). Old English west “in or toward the west,” from Proto-Germanic *wes-t- (cf. Old Norse vestr, Old Frisian, Middle Dutch, Dutch west, Old High German -west, only in compounds, German west), from PIE *wes- (source of Greek hesperos, Latin vesper “evening, west”), perhaps an enlarged form of root *we- “to go down” (cf. Sanskrit avah “downward”), and thus literally “direction in which the sun sets.” Cf. also High German dialectal abend “west,” literally “evening.” French ouest, Spanish oeste are from English. West used in geopolitical sense from World War I (Britain, France, Italy, as opposed to Germany and Austria-Hungary); as contrast to Communist Russia (later to the Soviet bloc) it is first recorded in 1918. West Indies is recorded from 1550s. see go west.

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