
noun, plural ma·jor·i·ties.

  1. the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total (opposed to minority): the majority of the population.
  2. a number of voters or votes, jurors, or others in agreement, constituting more than half of the total number.
  3. the amount by which the greater number, as of votes, surpasses the remainder (distinguished from plurality).
  4. the party or faction with the majority vote: The Democratic Party is the majority.
  5. the state or time of being of full legal age: to attain one’s majority.
  6. the military rank or office of a major.


  1. join the (great) majority, to die.

noun plural -ties

  1. the greater number or part of somethingthe majority of the constituents
  2. (in an election) the number of votes or seats by which the strongest party or candidate beats the combined opposition or the runner-upSee relative majority, absolute majority
  3. the largest party or group that votes together in a legislative or deliberative assembly
  4. the time of reaching or state of having reached full legal age, when a person is held competent to manage his own affairs, exercise civil rights and duties, etc
  5. the rank, office, or commission of major
  6. euphemistic the dead (esp in the phrases join the majority, go or pass over to the majority)
  7. obsolete the quality or state of being greater; superiority
  8. (modifier) of, involving, or being a majoritya majority decision; a majority verdict
  9. in the majority forming or part of the greater number of something

n.1550s, “condition of being greater, superiority,” from Middle French majorité (16c.), from Medieval Latin majoritatem (nominative majoritas) “majority,” from Latin maior “greater” (see major (adj.)). Sense of “state of being of full age” is attested from 1560s; meaning “greater number or part” (of votes, etc.) first recorded 1690s. The majority “the dead” recorded from 1719.

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