

maroon 2 [muh-roon] EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN verb (used with object) to put ashore and abandon on a desolate island or coast by way of punishment or the like, as was done by buccaneers. to place in an isolated and often dangerous position: The rising floodwaters marooned us on top of the house. to abandon and leave without aid or resources: Having lost all his money, he was marooned in the strange city. noun (often initial capital letter) any of a group of blacks, descended from fugitive slaves of the 17th and 18th centuries, living in the West Indies and Guiana, especially in mountainous areas. a person who is marooned: Robinson Crusoe lived for years as a maroon.

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  • Origin of maroon 2 1660–70; French mar(r)on, apparently American Spanish cimarrón wild (see cimarron); first used in reference to domestic animals that escaped into the woods, later to fugitive slaves Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019 Related Words for marooning isolate, strand, leave, beach, desert, forsake Examples from the Web for marooning Historical Examples of marooning

  • To desert the ship or their quarters in battle, was punished with death or marooning.

    Great Pirate Stories


  • Now it lay astern, and Moran could see the planet that had been chosen for his marooning.

    Planet of Dread

    Murray Leinster

  • It was by my instructions that Goff didn’t appear in the marooning mix-up.

    Pirates’ Hope

    Francis Lynde

  • First of all upon the list of pirates stands the bold Captain Avary, one of the institutors of marooning.

    Howard Pyle’s Book of Pirates

    Howard Pyle

  • Ducking from the bowsprit end, towing in a rope astern, and marooning, were also practised as punishments for the pilferer.

    On the Spanish Main

    John Masefield

  • British Dictionary definitions for marooning maroon 1 verb (tr) to leave ashore and abandon, esp on an island to isolate without resources noun a descendant of a group of runaway slaves living in the remoter areas of the Caribbean or Guyana US and Canadian informal a person who has been marooned, esp on an island Word Origin for maroon C17 (applied to fugitive slaves): from American Spanish cimarrón wild, literally: dwelling on peaks, from Spanish cima summit maroon 2 noun

    1. a dark red to purplish-red colour
    2. (as adjective)a maroon carpet

    an exploding firework, esp one used as a warning signal Word Origin for maroon C18: from French, literally: chestnut, marron 1 Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Word Origin and History for marooning maroon n.

    “very dark reddish-brown color,” 1791, from French couleur marron, the color of a marron “chestnut,” the large sweet chestnut of southern Europe (maroon in that sense was used in English from 1590s), from dialect of Lyons, ultimately from a word in a pre-Roman language, perhaps Ligurian; or from Greek maraon “sweet chestnut.”

    maroon v.

    “put ashore on a desolate island or coast,” 1724 (implied in marooning), earlier “to be lost in the wild” (1690s); from maron (n.) “fugitive black slave in the jungles of W.Indies and Dutch Guyana” (1660s), earlier symeron (1620s), from French marron, said to be a corruption of Spanish cimmaron “wild, untamed,” from Old Spanish cimarra “thicket,” probably from cima “summit, top” (from Latin cyma “sprout”), with a notion of living wild in the mountains. Related: Marooned.

    Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper

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