medulla oblongata

medulla oblongata

noun, plural medulla oblongatas, medullae oblongatae. Anatomy.

  1. the lowest or hindmost part of the brain, continuous with the spinal cord.

noun plural medulla oblongatas or medullae oblongatae (mɪˈdʌliː ˌɒblɒŋˈɡɑːtiː)

  1. the lower stalklike section of the brain, continuous with the spinal cord, containing control centres for the heart and lungs

n. pl. medulla ob•lon•ga•tas

  1. The lowermost portion of the vertebrate brain, continuous with the spinal cord and responsible for the control of respiration, circulation, and other bodily functions.

Plural medulla oblongatas medullae oblongatae (ŏb′lông-gä)

  1. The lowermost portion of the brainstem in humans and other mammals. It is important in the reflex control of involuntary processes, including respiration, heartbeat, and blood pressure.
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