


  1. something designed to preserve the memory of a person, event, etc., as a monument or a holiday.
  2. a written statement of facts presented to a sovereign, a legislative body, etc., as the ground of, or expressed in the form of, a petition or remonstrance.


  1. preserving the memory of a person or thing; commemorative: memorial services.
  2. of or relating to the memory.


  1. serving to preserve the memory of the dead or a past event
  2. of or involving memory


  1. something serving as a remembrance
  2. a written statement of facts submitted to a government, authority, etc, in conjunction with a petition
  3. an informal diplomatic paper

adj.late 14c., “memorable, excellent; remembered, committed to memory,” from Old French memorial “mindful of, remembering,” from Latin memorialis (adj.) “of or belonging to memory,” from memoria “memory” (see memory). n.late 14c., “fame, renown, reputation,” also “commemorative gesture, monument, or rite;” in general, “something by which the memory of a person, thing, or event is preserved,” from Old French memorial “record, report,” and directly from Late Latin memoriale “a memorial,” noun use of neuter of Latin memorialis (adj.) “of or belonging to memory,” from memoria “memory” (see memory). Meaning “memorial act, commemoration” is from mid-15c.

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