

noun, plural mes·en·ter·ies. Anatomy.

  1. the membrane, consisting of a double layer of peritoneum, that invests the intestines, attaching them to the posterior wall of the abdomen, maintaining them in position in the abdominal cavity, and supplying them with blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics, especially the part of this membrane investing the jejunum and ileum.

noun plural -teries

  1. the double layer of peritoneum that is attached to the back wall of the abdominal cavity and supports most of the small intestine

n.fold of the peritoneum, early 15c., from medical Latin mesenterium “middle of the intestine,” from medical Greek mesenterion, from mesos “middle” (see medial (adj.)) + enteron “intestine” (see enteric). Related: Mesenteric. n.

  1. A double layer of peritoneum attached to the abdominal wall and enclosing in its fold certain organs of the abdominal viscera.
  2. A fold of the peritoneum that connects the intestines to the dorsal abdominal wall, especially such a fold that envelops the jejunum and ileum.
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