


  1. Classical Mythology. a Phrygian king, son of Gordius, who was given by Dionysus the power of turning whatever he touched into gold.
  2. a person of great wealth or great moneymaking ability.


  1. Greek legend a king of Phrygia given the power by Dionysus of turning everything he touched to gold
  2. the Midas touch ability to make money

n acronym for

  1. Missile Defence Alarm System

king of Phrygia whose touched turned everything to gold (including his food), 1560s. Some usages refer to the unrelated story of the ass’s ears given him by Apollo for being dull to the charms of his lyre. The name is of Phrygian origin. In classical mythology, a king who was granted one wish by the god Dionysus. Greedy for riches, Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. He soon regretted his request. When he tried to eat, his food became inedible metal. When he embraced his daughter, she turned into a golden statue. On the instruction of Dionysus, he washed in a river and lost his touch of gold.

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