


  1. frightful or hideous, especially in appearance; extremely ugly.
  2. shocking or revolting; outrageous: monstrous cruelty.
  3. extraordinarily great; huge; immense: a monstrous building.
  4. deviating grotesquely from the natural or normal form or type.
  5. having the nature or appearance of a fabulous monster.


  1. extremely; exceedingly; very.


  1. abnormal, hideous, or unnatural in size, character, etc
  2. (of plants and animals) abnormal in structure
  3. outrageous, atrocious, or shockingit is monstrous how badly he is treated
  4. hugea monstrous fire
  5. of, relating to, or resembling a monster

adj.mid-15c., “unnatural, deviating from the natural order, hideous,” from Middle French monstrueux, from Latin monstruosus “strange, unnatural, monstrous,” from monstrum (see monster). Meaning “enormous” is from c.1500; that of “outrageously wrong” is from 1570s. Earlier form monstruous (late 14c., from Old French monstruous) was “very common in the 16th c.” [OED].

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