

  1. something narrated; an account, story, or narrative.
  2. the act or process of narrating.
  3. a recital of events, especially in chronological order, as the story narrated in a poem or the exposition in a drama.
  4. Rhetoric. (in classical speech) the third part, the exposition of the question.


  1. the act or process of narrating
  2. a narrated account or story; narrative
  3. (in traditional rhetoric) the third step in making a speech, the putting forward of the question

n.early 15c., from Old French narracion “account, statement, a relating, recounting, narrating, narrative tale,” and directly from Latin narrationem (nominative narratio) “a relating, narrative,” noun of action from past participle stem of narrare “to tell, relate, recount, explain,” literally “to make acquainted with,” from gnarus “knowing,” from PIE suffixed zero-grade *gne-ro-, from root *gno- “to know” (see know). The recounting of an event or series of events; the act of telling a story.

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