


  1. a person who lives near another.
  2. a person or thing that is near another.
  3. one’s fellow human being: to be generous toward one’s less fortunate neighbors.
  4. a person who shows kindliness or helpfulness toward his or her fellow humans: to be a neighbor to someone in distress.
  5. (used as a term of address, especially as a friendly greeting to a stranger): Tell me, neighbor, which way to town?


  1. situated or living near another: one of our neighbor nations.

verb (used with object)

  1. to live or be situated near to; adjoin; border on.
  2. to place or bring near.

verb (used without object)

  1. to live or be situated nearby.
  2. to associate with or as if with one’s neighbors; be neighborly or friendly (often followed by with).

n.Old English neahgebur (West Saxon), nehebur (Anglian) “neighbor,” from neah “near” (see nigh) + gebur “dweller,” related to bur “dwelling” (see bower). Common Germanic compound (cf. Old Saxon nabur, Middle Dutch naghebuur, Dutch (na)bur, Old High German nahgibur, Middle High German nachgebur, German Nachbar). Good neighbor policy attested by 1937, but good neighbor with reference to U.S. policy toward Latin America was used by 1928 by Herbert Hoover. v.1580s, from neighbor (n.). Related: Neighbored; neighboring.

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