


  1. highly excitable; unnaturally or acutely uneasy or apprehensive: to become nervous under stress.
  2. of or relating to the nerves: nervous tension.
  3. affecting the nerves: nervous diseases.
  4. suffering from, characterized by, or originating in disordered nerves.
  5. characterized by or attended with acute uneasiness or apprehension: a nervous moment for us all.
  6. having or containing nerves.
  7. sinewy or strong.
  8. Archaic. vigorous or spirited.


  1. very excitable or sensitive; highly strung
  2. (often foll by of) apprehensive or worriedI’m nervous of traffic
  3. of, relating to, or containing nerves; neuralnervous tissue
  4. affecting the nerves or nervous tissuea nervous disease
  5. archaic active, vigorous, or forceful

adj.c.1400, “affecting the sinews,” from Latin nervosus “sinewy, vigorous,” from nervus “sinew, nerve” (see nerve). Meaning “of or belonging to the nerves” in the modern sense is from 1660s. Meaning “suffering disorder of the nervous system” is from 1734; illogical sense “restless, agitated, lacking nerve” is 1740. Widespread popular use as a euphemism for mental forced the medical community to coin neurological to replace it in the older sense. Nervous wreck first attested 1862. Related: Nervously; nervousness. adj.

  1. Of or relating to the nerves or nervous system.
  2. Stemming from or affecting the nerves or nervous system, as a disease.
  3. Easily agitated or distressed.
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