


  1. his/her nibs, Informal: Often Facetious. a person in authority, especially one who is demanding and tyrannical: His nibs wants fresh strawberries in December.


  1. the point of a pen, or either of its divisions.
  2. a penpoint for insertion into a penholder.
  3. a point of anything: a cutting tool with a diamond nib.
  4. a bill or beak, as of a bird; neb.
  5. any pointed extremity.
  6. Metallurgy.
    1. a piece of sintered tungsten carbide used as a die for drawing wire or the like.
    2. (in powder metallurgy) a compact at any stage of its manufacture.


  1. his nibs (functioning as singular) slang a mock title used of someone in authority


  1. the writing point of a pen, esp an insertable tapered metal part with a split tip
  2. a point, tip, or beak
  3. (plural) crushed cocoa beans

verb nibs, nibbing or nibbed (tr)

  1. to provide with a nib
  2. to prepare or sharpen the nib of

n.especially in His Nibs “boss, employer, self-important person,” 1821, of unknown origin; perhaps a variant of nob “person of high position.” n.1580s, “beak or bill of a bird,” Scottish variant of Old English neb (see neb). Meaning “point” (of a pen or quill) first recorded 1610s. n.

  1. The smooth or serrated portion of a dental instrument that comes into contact with restorative material being condensed.
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