


  1. readily seen; exposed to sight; open to view; visible: The crack in the wall was readily apparent.
  2. capable of being easily perceived or understood; plain or clear; obvious: The solution to the problem was apparent to all.
  3. according to appearances, initial evidence, incomplete results, etc.; ostensible rather than actual: He was the apparent winner of the election.
  4. entitled to a right of inheritance by birth, indefeasible except by one’s death before that of the ancestor, to an inherited throne, title, or other estate.Compare heir apparent, heir presumptive.


  1. readily seen or understood; evident; obvious
  2. (usually prenominal) seeming, as opposed to realhis apparent innocence belied his complicity in the crime
  3. physics as observed but ignoring such factors as the motion of the observer, changes in the environment, etcCompare true (def. 9)

adj.late 14c., from Old French aparant “evident, obvious, visible,” from Latin apparentem (nominative apparens) “visible, manifest,” present participle of apparere (see appear). First attested in phrase heir apparent (see heir). Meaning “superficial” is c.1400. Apparent magnitude in astronomy (how bright a heavenly body looks from earth, as opposed to absolute magnitude, which is how bright it really is) is attested from 1875.

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