


  1. a fixed or firm belief: No clever argument, no persuasive fact or theory could make a dent in his conviction in the rightness of his position.
  2. the act of convicting someone, as in a court of law; a declaration that a person is guilty of an offense.
  3. the state of being convicted.
  4. the act of convincing a person by argument or evidence.
  5. the state of being convinced.


  1. the state or appearance of being convinced
  2. a fixed or firmly held belief, opinion, etc
  3. the act of convincing
  4. the act or an instance of convicting or the state of being convicted
  5. carry conviction to be convincing

n.mid-15c., “the proving of guilt,” from Late Latin convictionem (nominative convictio) “proof, refutation,” noun of action from past participle stem of convincere (see convince). Meaning “mental state of being convinced” is from 1690s; that of “firm belief, a belief held as proven” is from 1841. see courage of one’s convictions.

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