


  1. pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities.
  2. of or relating to the science of economics.
  3. pertaining to an economy, or system of organization or operation, especially of the process of production.
  4. involving or pertaining to one’s personal resources of money: to give up a large house for economic reasons.
  5. pertaining to use as a resource in the economy: economic entomology; economic botany.
  6. affecting or apt to affect the welfare of material resources: weevils and other economic pests.
  7. economical.


  1. of or relating to an economy, economics, or financeeconomic development; economic theories
  2. British capable of being produced, operated, etc, for profit; profitablethe firm is barely economic
  3. concerning or affecting material resources or welfareeconomic pests
  4. concerned with or relating to the necessities of life; utilitarian
  5. a variant of economical
  6. informal inexpensive; cheap

adj.1590s, “pertaining to management of a household,” perhaps shortened from economical or from French économique or directly from Latin oeconomicus “of domestic economy,” from Greek oikonomikos “practiced in the management of a household or family,” hence, “frugal, thrifty,” from oikonomia (see economy (n.)). Meaning “relating to the science of economics” is from 1835 and now is the main sense, economical retaining the older one of “characterized by thrift.”

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