- capable of being bent, usually without breaking; easily bent: a flexible ruler.
- susceptible of modification or adaptation; adaptable: a flexible schedule.
- willing or disposed to yield; pliable: a flexible personality.
- a flexible substance or material, as rubber or leather.
- Also: flexile (ˈflɛksaɪl) able to be bent easily without breaking; pliable
- adaptable or variableflexible working hours
- able to be persuaded easily; tractable
adj.early 15c., from Middle French flexible or directly from Latin flexibilis “that may be bent, pliant, flexible, yielding;” figuratively “tractable, inconstant,” from flexus, past participle of flectere “to bend,” of uncertain origin. Related: Flexibly. adj.
- Capable of being bent or flexed.
- Capable of being bent repeatedly without injury or damage.