

verb (used with object)

  1. to cut or divide by passing through or across: The highway intersects the town.

verb (used without object)

  1. to cross, as lines or wires.
  2. Geometry. to have one or more points in common: intersecting lines.


  1. to divide, cut, or mark off by passing through or across
  2. (esp of roads) to cross (each other)
  3. maths (often foll by with) to have one or more points in common (with another configuration)

v.1610s, back-formation from intersection, or else from Latin intersectus, past participle of intersecare “intersect, cut asunder,” from inter- “between” (see inter-) + secare “to cut” (see section (n.)). Related: Intersected; intersecting. n.1650s, from Latin intersectum (see intersect (v.)).

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