


  1. Zoology. preying upon other organisms for food.
  2. of, relating to, or characterized by plunder, pillage, robbery, or exploitation: predatory tactics.
  3. engaging in or living by these activities: predatory bands of brigands.
  4. excessive or exploitive in amount or cost, as out of greed or to take advantage of consumers or patrons: predatory pricing.
  5. acting with or possessed by overbearing, rapacious, or selfish motives: He was cornered at the party by a predatory reporter.


  1. zoology another word for predacious (def. 1)
  2. of, involving, or characterized by plundering, robbing, etc

adj.1580s, “involving plundering,” from Latin praedatorius “pertaining to plunder,” from praedator “plunderer,” from praedor “to plunder,” from praeda “prey” (see prey (n.)). Of animals, from 1660s.

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