


  1. standing out so as to be seen easily; conspicuous; particularly noticeable: Her eyes are her most prominent feature.
  2. standing out beyond the adjacent surface or line; projecting.
  3. leading, important, or well-known: a prominent citizen.


  1. jutting or projecting outwards
  2. standing out from its surroundings; noticeable
  3. widely known; eminent

adj.mid-15c., “projecting, jutting out,” from Latin prominentem (nominative prominens) “prominent,” present participle of prominere “jut or stand out, be prominent, overhang,” from pro- “before, forward” (see pro-) + minere “to project,” from minae “projections, threats” (see menace (n.)). Meaning “conspicuous” is from 1759; that of “notable, leading” is from 1849. Related: Prominently. adj.

  1. Projecting outward or upward; protuberant.
  2. Immediately noticeable; conspicuous.
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