


  1. a customary way of doing something; a custom or practice: the usages of the last 50 years.
  2. the customary manner in which a language or a form of a language is spoken or written: English usage; a grammar based on usage rather than on arbitrary notions of correctness.
  3. a particular instance of this: a usage borrowed from French.
  4. any manner of doing or handling something; treatment: rough usage.
  5. habitual or customary use; long-continued practice: immemorial usage.
  6. an act of using or employing; use.


  1. the act or a manner of using; use; employment
  2. constant use, custom, or habit
  3. something permitted or established by custom or practice
  4. what is actually said in a language, esp as contrasted with what is prescribed

n.c.1300, “established practice, custom,” from Anglo-French and Old French usage “custom, habit, experience,” from us, from Latin usus “use, custom” (see use (v.)).

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