


  1. a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc.


  1. of or relating to vegetarianism or vegetarians.
  2. devoted to or advocating this practice.
  3. consisting solely of vegetables: vegetarian vegetable soup.


  1. a person who advocates or practises vegetarianism


  1. relating to, advocating, or practising vegetarianism
  2. cookery strictly, consisting of vegetables and fruit only, but usually including milk, cheese, eggs, etc

n.1839, irregular formation from vegetable (n.) + -arian, as in agrarian, etc. “The general use of the word appears to have been largely due to the formation of the Vegetarian Society in Ramsgate in 1847” [OED]. n.

  1. One who practices vegetarianism.


  1. Of or relating to vegetarianism or vegetarians.
  2. Consisting primarily or wholly of vegetables and vegetable products.
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