


  1. of, relating to, or capable of walking: an ambulatory exploration of the countryside.
  2. adapted for walking, as the limbs of many animals.
  3. moving about or from place to place; not stationary: an ambulatory tribe.
  4. Also ambulant. Medicine/Medical.
    1. not confined to bed; able or strong enough to walk: an ambulatory patient.
    2. serving patients who are able to walk: an ambulatory care center.
  5. Law. not fixed; alterable or revocable: ambulatory will.

noun, plural am·bu·la·to·ries.

  1. Also called deambulatory. Architecture.
    1. an aisle surrounding the end of the choir or chancel of a church.
    2. the covered walk of a cloister.


  1. of, relating to, or designed for walking
  2. changing position; not fixed
  3. Also: ambulant able to walk
  4. law (esp of a will) capable of being altered or revoked

noun plural -ries

  1. architect
    1. an aisle running around the east end of a church, esp one that passes behind the sanctuary
    2. a place for walking, such as an aisle or a cloister

adj.“pertaining to walking;” also “shifting, not permanent,” 1620s, from Latin ambulatorius “of or pertaining to a walker; movable,” from ambulator, agent noun from past participle stem of ambulare “to walk” (see amble). Middle English had ambulary “movable” (mid-15c.). n.from Medieval Latin ambulatorium, from Latin ambulatorius “movable,” from ambulare (see amble). adj.

  1. Of, relating to, or adapted for walking.
  2. Capable of walking; not bedridden.
  3. Moving about.
  4. Of or relating to medical care or services provided on an outpatient basis.
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