


  1. capable of being transmitted by bodily contact with an infected person or object: contagious diseases.
  2. carrying or spreading a contagious disease.
  3. tending to spread from person to person: contagious laughter.


  1. (of a disease) capable of being passed on by direct contact with a diseased individual or by handling clothing, etc, contaminated with the causative agentCompare infectious
  2. (of an organism) harbouring or spreading the causative agent of a transmissible disease
  3. causing or likely to cause the same reaction or emotion in several people; catching; infectiousher laughter was contagious

adj.late 14c., from Old French contagieus (Modern French contagieux), from Late Latin contagiosus, from Latin contagio (see contact (n.)). adj.

  1. Of or relating to contagion.
  2. Transmissible by direct or indirect contact; communicable.
  3. Capable of transmitting disease; carrying a disease.

  1. Capable of being transmitted by direct or indirect contact, as an infectious disease.
  2. Bearing contagion, as a person or animal with an infectious disease that is contagious.
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