


  1. Psychiatry. characterized by or afflicted with psychosis.
  2. Psychiatry. of or relating to psychosis: psychotic symptoms; psychotic delusion.
  3. (loosely) mentally unstable: The man who threw a stone through the convenience store window must be psychotic.
  4. intensely upset, anxious, or angry; crazy: My dad gets so psychotic when I come home even a little bit late.


  1. Psychiatry. a person afflicted with psychosis.
  2. (loosely) someone who is mentally unstable: I always cross the street when I have to go past that homeless shelter; it’s full of psychotics.

  1. someone who exhibits extreme emotion or behavior: My brother turns into a complete psychotic whenever his team loses.


  1. of, relating to, or characterized by psychosis


  1. a person experiencing psychosis

adj.1889, coined from psychosis, on the model of neurotic/neurosis, from Greek psykhe- “mind, soul” (see psyche). n.“a psychotic person,” 1901, from psychotic (adj.). adj.

  1. Of, relating to, or affected by psychosis.


  1. A person affected by psychosis.
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