


  1. a system of graphic symbols for a specialized use, other than ordinary writing: musical notation.
  2. the process or method of noting or setting down by means of a special system of signs or symbols.
  3. the act of noting, marking, or setting down in writing.
  4. a note, jotting, or record; annotation: notations in the margin.


  1. any series of signs or symbols used to represent quantities or elements in a specialized system, such as music or mathematics
  2. the act or process of notating
    1. the act of noting down
    2. a note or record

n.1560s, “explanation of a term,” from Middle French notation and directly from Latin notationem (nominative notatio) “a marking, notation, designation; etymology; shorthand; explanation,” noun of action from past participle stem of notare “to note” (see note (v.)). Meaning “note, annotation” is from 1580s. Meaning “system of representing numbers or quantities by signs or symbols” is attested from 1706. Related: Notational.

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