


  1. a general understanding; vague or imperfect conception or idea of something: a notion of how something should be done.
  2. an opinion, view, or belief: That’s his notion, not mine.
  3. conception or idea: his notion of democracy.
  4. a fanciful or foolish idea; whim: She had a notion to swim in the winter.
  5. an ingenious article, device, or contrivance; knickknack.
  6. notions, small articles, as buttons, thread, ribbon, and other personal items, especially such items displayed together for sale, as in a department store.


  1. a vague idea; impression
  2. an idea, concept, or opinion
  3. an inclination or whim

n.late 14c., from Latin notionem (nominative notio) “concept, conception, idea, notice,” noun of action from past participle stem of noscere “come to know” (see know). Coined by Cicero as a loan-translation of Greek ennoia “act of thinking, notion, conception,” or prolepsis “previous notion, previous conception.”

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