of choice

of choice


  1. an act or instance of choosing; selection: Her choice of a computer was made after months of research. His parents were not happy with his choice of friends.
  2. the right, power, or opportunity to choose; option: The child had no choice about going to school.
  3. the person or thing chosen or eligible to be chosen: This book is my choice. He is one of many choices for the award.
  4. an alternative: There is another choice.
  5. an abundance or variety from which to choose: a wide choice of candidates.
  6. something that is preferred or preferable to others; the best part of something: Mare’s Nest is the choice in the sixth race.
  7. a carefully selected supply: This restaurant has a fine choice of wines.
  8. a choice grade of beef.

adjective, choic·er, choic·est.

  1. worthy of being chosen; excellent; superior.
  2. carefully selected: choice words.
  3. (in the grading of beef in the U.S.) rated between prime and good.


  1. of choice, that is generally preferred: A detached house is still the home of choice.


  1. the act or an instance of choosing or selecting
  2. the opportunity or power of choosing
  3. a person or thing chosen or that may be chosenhe was a possible choice
  4. an alternative action or possibilitywhat choice did I have?
  5. a supply from which to selecta poor choice of shoes
  6. of choice preferred; favourite


  1. of superior quality; excellentchoice wine
  2. carefully chosen, appropriatea few choice words will do the trick
  3. vulgar or rudechoice language

n.mid-14c., “that which is choice,” from choice (adj.) blended with earlier chois (n.) “action of selecting” (c.1300); “power of choosing” (early 14c.), “someone or something chosen” (late 14c.), from Old French chois “one’s choice; fact of having a choice” (12c., Modern French choix), from verb choisir “to choose, distinguish, discern; recognize, perceive, see,” from a Germanic source related to Old English ceosan “to choose, taste, try;” see choose. Late Old English chis “fastidious, choosy,” from or related to ceosan, probably also contributed to the development of choice. Replaced Old English cyre “choice, free will,” from the same base, probably because the imported word was closer to choose [see note in OED]. adj.“worthy to be chosen, distinguished, excellent,” mid-14c., from choice (n.). Related: Choiceness. Preferred above others, as in A strike is the union’s weapon of choice. Used with other prepositions (by, for, with), all meaning “by preference,” this idiom dates from about 1300. see by choice; Hobson’s choice; of choice; pays your money and takes your choice. Also see under choose.

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