


  1. objectionably aggressive in offering one’s unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice; meddlesome: an officious person.
  2. marked by or proceeding from such forwardness: officious interference.
  3. Obsolete. ready to serve; obliging.


  1. unnecessarily or obtrusively ready to offer advice or services
  2. marked by such readiness
  3. diplomacy informal or unofficial
  4. obsolete attentive or obliging

adj.1560s, “zealous, eager to serve,” from Latin officiosus “full of courtesy, dutiful, obliging,” from officium “duty, service” (see office). Sense of “meddlesome, doing more than is asked or required” had emerged by 1600 (in officiously). An officious lie (1570s) is one told to do good to another person (from Latin mendocium officiosum or French mensonge officieux). Related: Officiousness.

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