


  1. a monster in fairy tales and popular legend, usually represented as a hideous giant who feeds on human flesh.
  2. a monstrously ugly, cruel, or barbarous person.


  1. (in folklore) a giant, usually given to eating human flesh
  2. any monstrous or cruel person

n.“man-eating giant,” 1713, hogre (in a translation of a French version of the Arabian Nights), from French ogre, first used in Perrault’s “Contes,” 1697, and perhaps formed by him from Italian orco “demon, monster,” from Latin Orcus “Hades,” perhaps via an Italian dialect. In English, more literary than colloquial. The conjecture that it is from Byzantine Ogur “Hungarian” or some other version of that people’s name (perhaps via confusion with the bloodthirsty Huns), lacks historical evidence. Related: Ogrish; ogrishness.

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