


  1. the standard unit of electrical resistance in the International System of Units(SI), formally defined to be the electrical resistance between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference applied between these points produces in this conductor a current of one ampere. The resistance in ohms is numerically equal to the magnitude of the potential difference. Symbol: Ω

  1. On His Majesty’s Service; On Her Majesty’s Service.

abbreviation for (in Britain and the dominions of the Commonwealth)

  1. On Her (or His) Majesty’s Service


  1. the derived SI unit of electrical resistance; the resistance between two points on a conductor when a constant potential difference of 1 volt between them produces a current of 1 ampereSymbol: Ω


  1. Georg Simon (ˈɡeːɔrk ˈziːmɔn). 1787–1854, German physicist, who formulated the law named after him

n.unit of electrical resistance, 1867, in recognition of German physicist Georg S. Ohm (1789-1854), who determined the law of the flow of electricity. Originally proposed as ohma (1861) as a unit of voltage. Related: ohmage; ohmic; ohmeter. n. Symbol Ω

  1. A unit of electrical resistance equal to that of a conductor in which a current of one ampere is produced by a potential of one volt across its terminals.

  1. The SI derived unit used to measure the electrical resistance of a material or an electrical device. One ohm is equal to the resistance of a conductor through which a current of one ampere flows when a potential difference of one volt is applied to it.

The unit of electrical resistance, named after the nineteenth-century German physicist Georg Ohm.

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