on consignment

on consignment


  1. the act of consigning.
  2. something that is consigned.
  3. Commerce. property sent to an agent for sale, storage, or shipment.


  1. of, relating to, or shipped as goods on consignment: consignment selling of gift items.


  1. on consignment, (of goods) sent to an agent for sale, with title being held by the consignor until a sale is made.


  1. the act of consigning; commitment
  2. a shipment of goods consigned
  3. on consignment for payment by the consignee after salehe made the last shipment on consignment

n.1560s, “sealing with a sign,” from consign + -ment. Meaning “delivering over” is from 1660s; especially of goods, for the sake of sale or auction, from c.1700. Meaning “quantity of goods so assigned” is recorded from 1720s. Turning over goods for an agent to sell, with the provision that payment is made only on completed sales and that unsold goods may be returned to the consignor. For example, This secondhand shop accepts items of clothing on consignment. [c. 1700]

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